In 1986 tates creek high school in Lexington Kentucky decided to have a MR. and Ms. Commodore pageant. The kicker was that it was to be a parody. I of course, being a 'non-conformist' at least 50% of the time couldn't pass it up. So somehow I talked my buddy Jeff Schreiffer into doing it with me, he was a riot, and a 75% 'non conformist' so it was set, except we had to come up with some skit to do, i had no idea what we should do, more on this later.
We had to practice, as there were group performances, let in be known that Jeff and I were surrounded by jocks and class officers and those who were the top of the food chain, we were slightly out of place, because we were none of those things. Well we practiced, stumbled and the day of the 'pageant' arrived.
Jeff and I obtained some liquid courage for the evening (it was the 80's, it was easy) We took off after school with a few others, i forget the girls name, but the Soccer start Stuart was with us as well, we got a bit sloppy. Came back in time for the pageant.
One of the silliest moments in my high school career was the one group 'skit' the below picture says enough. But i was silly drunk, so it didn't matter.

Later Jeff and I did our skit, we worked long and hard coming up with something that would wow them, while not be stupid, in our infinite wisdom, late one night as we drank beers in the G.D. Ritzy's parking lot, we decided.

Jeff played a sort of morph of Frank-N-Furter and Magenta, while i played Riff Raff
The strangest thing was that all the Jocks, Food Chain toppers and all the feaks in the audience who knew what we were up to, came on stage and did the dance with us, it was almost a John Hughes moment. Not quite, but almost.
Jeff won the male competition, he also did a small stand up comedy bit, it was a weird, weird night.
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