Thursday, April 27, 2006
Baggy Shorts and Road bikes, sweet
9:30 Saturday AM at 17th south 4th east for a 5 hour tour of sumthin, maybe up and over suncrest around the UC for a bit and bak, I'm going easy the whole time.
Rumor has it Foxy is makin a come back, claims to be racing with us in the pain cave of 30 somethin expert, careful with that, them boys have just gotten faster, and in our late 30's there ain't no reason to upgrade. I remember a foxy paraphrase in 2003 in Sandpoint ID. "I was off the front not even close to maxed and they were all suffering trying to catch back on." This was after he won the STXC. fast bastard, it will be good to have ya back.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Motor Vehicles Trump Bikes
SO todays ride consisted of a few incidents, with vehicles. I was meeting Jerry at the zoo at 6, so I headed out a bit after 5 so I could get a few of my 4 minute efforts out of the way before we headed up and over emigration together. On my way out, riding on 15th east a bit north of 17th south, I ran into a opening car door with my right hand, it freaked me out, I pictured the season, my bike and my drive to ride all going out the window, thank goodness none of these thing happened, I did get a nice gash on a knuckle, if it weren’t for the mtb gloves, who knows. I blame myself more than the driver, as I was not paying attention. I say I was 65% to blame.
I mske it to the canyon and do 2 of my efforts, head down the canyon, meet Jerry, do 2 more and ride easy up and over little mtn and start up Big mtn, it was getting late, so we turned around early, traffic was light in the canyon and Jerry and I were just chatting our way down, about ½ way down the canyon I decide to get in single file a bit later a car pulls off a side street honks at me and the driver points at me yelling. Well the next chain of events is unfortunate and lucky all at the same time. I go with my first reaction, I give him the bird, I used to wave, guess I had a bad day. He slows down, pulls over and gets out asking why I gave him the bird, I asked why he yelled, he said, you were in the middle of the road, you got that bike lane (Nice rock filled, pot hole laced bike lane). I tried to say ‘I was in the bike lane!’ It came out as ‘I was in the road, no lane’ and I kept riding. In reality Jerry and I were both in the bike lane, although we don’t have to be. Poor Jerry, being in front of me, he had no idea what had happened, I turned a round a few minutes after getting past the car to talk to him and he wasn’t there. He almost got taken out by the car door, he proceeded to tell the guy that we can be on the road (even though we were in the bike lane). He finally caught up with me, we decided, besides me reacting too quickly, and being spectacularly inarticulate, that the driver was way too angry over nothing.
I’ll try and go back to the wave, but the drivers are not going to take away my rights, I ride where it is safest, sometimes that is in a bike lane, sometimes that is in the middle of the road, I think they can slow down for 1 second to get around me. Too many deaths and no consequences has me confused. This guy must not live up emigration, cause there are hundreds of bikes on that road every day.
I feel lucky, yet belligerent.
On a happier note, the F4000 has been shipped, UPS be nice to it, please.
I plan on taking it to Phoenix with me while I go recruiting at MLA, right after the Soldier Hollow race.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Big Mountain
I am going to keep trying all week to see how high up it I can get, I really want to get to the top by Saturday, the sun should help this week.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Quads, Motos and Big ass trucks
Lyna 4 hours later

Friday, April 21, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Hill Climb
Saw the coach on the way up, i probably have some explaining to do, as it was not in the plan.
Bed time.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Road miles
Monday, April 17, 2006
We speak way too soon
Jill in Alaska, these pics are for you, today there as up to 6 inches of fresh snow on the benches, Spring was here.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
ahhhh dirt

I wish I brought my camera...
Ended up with almost 3 hours which was good, even though I was only planning for 1.5
Dirt ride tonight, meeting at the zoo at 6
I will bring the camera this time.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Could it be
I doubt it. Looks like Sea Slaughter was, well a slaughter. Local riders that I know of, Kathy Sherwin did well, despite a rough week. I hear Gunn Rita passed almost all the semi pro men who started 5 minutes ahead, sheesh that woman is fast.
So Saturday Ty and I rode south to meet Kday and Ryan. Finaly met up with them and headed north, we then met up with Shannon and Brian and I headed home after 3.5 hours of trying to stay below 135, unsuccessfully. I might add. Sunday Lyna and I did an easy ride out past the airport and back.
What is up with UTA busses? Sunday and Today I got buzzed by a bus on my rides, I should write a letter, but alas, I am way to bored with it. Oh, it is my life, so maybe I will.
Big hours in the coming weeks, goodnight,
BTW, utahmtnbiker, i may be down for slo-ab, we will see, we will see.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Snow again
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Rest Week

Again life is short enjoy.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Fun weekend and a race in the middle
Race day, feeling good, relaxed and ready. get a good 50 minute warmup, ready to go. They start us with the Expet 19-29 and the 2 pro women. The start loop is pretty tight and people are antsy, so i stay at the back, we then paceline the first 1/4 of a lap, witness Adam's OTB and aftermath, later in the first lap after thing broke up a bit most of the expert group takes a shortcut (2.5 miles off the real course) I head the right direction with Newby and Tyler, I'm thinking at thos point that I could be winning, due to poor course markings, but hey it all counts right? SO I put the hammer down, which became a problem later, I pulled Newby and Tyler for the rest of the lap and then started to lose it. Made it through the second lap and 1/4 of the 3rd when the mind body and spirit turned the Scalpel around for a DNF. Just did not think it would be a good idea to go on. Ty ended up in 4th in Pro, Lyna, in her return to racing after 2 years, took 6th in sport women. Oh yeah, Chris H (Adams Teammate) and Brad P (my teammate) took the right way on th course and came in 1 and 2, Newby was third. So I was not too far off in my thinking.
Sunday led us to Gooseberry Mesa for some fun riding. It had been about 4 years since I last rode there. Vegas Brad, Drew and Lucy and I planned on meeting at the dirt road at 9:30. Morgan Harris one of the twins that designed and built the trail met us as well for a few hours of fun ups and downs on the south rim/hidden canyon/north rim circuit. Morgan is 60, rides an upgraded superV and is amazing in his abilities and outlook. Ran into the Red rock boys at Little Creek Station and Burger joint. They rode with Cimarron and Bryce the other 2 southern Utah trail creators/saviours, who happened to have recently moved to Tuscon. We all need to be grateful for these pioneers/advocates. The make all the great trails possible for us.
I rode every thing the big travel boys did, on my scalpel even, my first time there, on a hardtail, I walked everything, boy how things changed. Lyna rocked it on her first trip, making many moves I didn't 4 years ago on her first attempt.
The Sunday ride reminded me why I like riding, with friends, at a leisurely pace, having fun and laughing.