It is that time of the year, when the candy goes out the door and the sweet nectar of the gods arrives, I have a serious Clementine addiction.
MTB all day, we went clockwise and were on singletrack all the way till we headed north over Deer Ridge or ELk Glen rds, then there was a steep boulder field and a rut filled ravine to ride down.
So, are they really back? Two weeks ago they were still sour and dry. Thanks for the news that it's Clementine time. When they're really in season we fly through the boxes. When it's not, the flies come out of the fruit left in the boxes for too long. PS. A friendly nurse warning-- too many of this good thing can make for a sore bum and lots of lost electrolytes.
yes tri-mom they are back, that nurse warning makes me giggle.
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