A few CX things to speak about;
1. Congrats to Darren C on his win in Heber, awesome form right now, sorry to hear about your mechanicals at States.
2. DH, way to kill it at states
3. Way big numbers of racers, which is cool, wish I was there, but the beach was better.
4. So, about the States scoring and categories. First, I don't care who races in 35+A, if you are 35 and older and want to, come on, DH, A Train, next year Fox, come on over, the more the merrier, I don't care if you race in the A's one week and 35+A the next. BUT, why let some one compete in 2 categories at once in states? Why not just compete in the category you signed up for that day, and get points for the season comp for that category that day. I am sure the officials would prefer this. I am sure there would be less occurrences on confused racing. I don't mind 35+ A's working with A's especially when we start 30 seconds after them, but when you have 3 State Championship categories off at once, combined with 2 series points races, things can get dicey, confusing and negative really fast. Why not just have the state champeenship categories match the season categories and race/receive points in what you sign up for that day???? Can anyone tell me what the purpose benefit of the current system is?
5. No one in Utah gets paid to race, they may get some free stuff (very few) but no one gets paid. Hell Jonathon Page, who was second at worlds, had a hard time getting paid this year. It is a hobby, so why complicate things?
6. I don't like flat drag strip courses, I don't like easy courses, I don't like the fact that UTCX races have zero hills, I still race cause it is fun and it makes me stronger. I also believe Dr X knows his stuff and when he gives an analysis it is highly likely to be 98% on target.
some one please fill me in.
Thanks for the mention. Things are going well it I can keep my bike running.
Starting the A's, 35+ and 45+ together was interesting to say the least. In the end, I think givning everyone the chance to race for a State Championship in their age group and compete for A points is not ideal, but a good compromise. I actually like the chance to race in a big group at least once a year.
Let me know next time you do trail work in Draper. I've done some work on those trails with scout groups and would like to do more.
I guess that purple pill thing is really working for him...
couldnt say it better myself.
ok, i think i'll try....
the local courses are at good places BUT they are set up with zero skills for the beginners.
not exciting at all.
points system is a debacle, its gets people motivated to say i won the point series.
they should put me and dr x in charge of settin up the courses and people would really be bitchin how hard it is.
i like this comment so much im posting it on my blog.
on that note, im workin on gettin the barrel trail integrated to the PRO ONLY XC at st george next march.
that should add some hairy dh to the mix and liven up that race anyway.
enough dirt roads and freeway power sections. lets get this a bit more technically challenged.
People called me a hater for my blog entry about states, that was the furthest thing from the truth.
I'm all for some more technical stuff. I hope wheeler gets better for the next 2.
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