Was gone from the house for something like 5.5 hours, but only got @ 3.5 ride time in, good times just the same.
Rode down to the shop to meet Mike,
Ohran and Yengin(?) at the shop for some south bound fun. Made it there first
Climb-Um and Sue where there shopping. Finally everyone shows up and we start to head out, but
Mikey was havin some issues, seems like he was running one of
these with one of
these, no bueno, so we had to get a new cassette for him.
Team shannifer showed up but we couldn't wait for Jen to check out her new ride.
We headed south to Draper, then on the frontage road (where we saw the Canyon/Procupine peloton, including
Rico, heading north)over the point of the mountain, decided to climb traverse ridge/ suncrest, what ever you call it from the South side. I took it slow, MK rode with me,
Ohran and Yengin raced it.

this foto stolen
The spin up was good, i stopped at the store at the top for a big ole Cinnamon Roll, mmmmmm calories.
Ohran and Yengin were putting on the arctic gear for the descent. The ride down the hill was, um chilly, but come on, not that cold, MK and I stopped at the shop, I hung out abit,

then headed home. @ 55 Miles and some good warm fun.