Conservative start today, which put me behind it too much to make any difference, the course was slightly different, I liked it better, the spot where everyone, including Jon G, Art and I went down wsa covered with scrapes in the concrete from bike parts, nice.
I was all alone after 2 of 5 laps. A group of 3 were working hard to make contact with me, I worked hard to keep them off, 1.25 laps to go, one rolls his tire, a bit later the other 2 make it up to me, I work harder to stay in front, cause I wanted to set the pace and choose lines, on the back side I took a few 'secret lines' and put a small gap, but they pulled it back by the fly over 'Green Monster' bridge
I held them off and came across the line for 46th, damn, 46th, wow, uh, yeah, hmmm. Oh well.
Mom and Dad came out and watched and snapped the photos, only got one of me, cause they just knew I was wearing orange. They seemed to enjoy it, introduced them to Thinners dad, just to let them know, people older than me do it to.
Jon G. got 13th. A Train went down again, got back around me a bit later and pushed it to 29th.
Kathy got 14h and Mitch and Sam K were in the 40's in a huge field. Mitch pulled Chris Horner around the whole race, Horner was wearing a Pedros jersey, hmmm new team for next year?
hey man,
i wanted to say thanks for your support. you didn't have to defend me like you did...but you did. i appreciate it!
i love that you have such passion for our sport, and understand that there are waaaay faster and waaaaaay slower people and we are all united in our love for the two-wheeled machine. it's awesome.
keep up the love. i will.
you look fast!
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