Off to O-Town and Fort Buena for the first of the 2007 series. Lyna decided to race with th A women this year, so she went off at 10:30. She did not get much of a warm up in and took a while for her legs to come around, she ended up 4th in a tough field and did not get lapped by the pro women, which is assume. I did not get to see much of her race as I was prepping for mine.
The course was short and turny, as Dr. X says, this may not be such a great thing, but i liked it all thing considered. The 'run up' was in the course and during my pre-rides I never cleared it. The barriers were in an odd place, turn before and turn after, so transition was key. One of the mid course log crossings got a bit beat down so both of them ended up being easily rideable.
I think there were around 15 35+ A's out there. I started conservative, not wanting to blow, had a nice slow down before the first log hop, probably sitting out of the top 10 at this point. About 2 laps in I started to move my way forward, got around Denny, Gary and others, was on Skylers wheel for a while, Bart came around for the 1st time and Skyler jumped on his wheel, soon after Linde came around me, right before the run up I got around him, then proceeded to bog down at the top, soon after I caught and passed Skyler, I was likely running 5th at this time, with Warsocki, Sam Moore, Krieg guy and Dave Wood in front of me, Skyler caugh back on and passed me, Dave Wood was falling back, Linde and Denny were hard on my rear wheel, Denny ended up dropping, Linde could not close the gap, even though his barrier skills are far superior to mine. I rode the run up about half the time, if i would of made it more often I could of likely gotten around Skyler and Dave, but alas, hindsight. I think I ended up 6th, not getting lapped on the short course by anyone in my category is nice and bodes well for the rest of the season. I had fun, even though my hands were raw and my head set was loose for half the race. Bike ran good, a few out of the saddle ghost shifts, but nothing horrible.
Looking forward to Heber.
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