Monday, March 01, 2010

Rockin the Hotel bike

This pre season training plan has rocked. The high temp/humidity week was a success, 5 hours of sweet excercise bike work outs,3followed by fitful 4 hour block sleep, pool time and site visits.

On either end of this training block was some imposed rest periods, luckily i got an upgrade on this rest plan.

This week, pre first 'Race' of the year will include a final short Hotel Exercise block, NYC version. This will include a required rest of 5+ hours Thursday Night.

I should really be ready to rock in St George.


Aaron said...

At least you had a real stationary bike. I was stuck with a recumbent stationary bike in my hotel in L.A. last week. Hardest 30 minutes of my life. I actually resorted to the elliptical and running the following days, it was that bad.

Rick Sunderlage said...

looks like your legs might not be as pasty white as everyone else's. So that's a plus.

ER Dad said...

Is that your jet? Good Luck this weekend or at least have fun.