MK was already there, so we hit a few laps together, seeing a few 11 year olds on their dads old MTB's made him decide to race A's.
Justin Wilson got the W in the B's in his first ever CX race, puttin the wood to a, um 14 year old, although that 14 year old would of been 4 pro at the Evanston Icup final.
I got a good warm up in on the trainer watching the B race. Then hit a few hot laps. Prior to that I embroacted with some Mad Alchemy all natural medium blend. There was around 11 of us at the start.
As Jon G mentioned, the start was NOT safe. abut 20 yards with a hard left, followed by a hard right into a parking garage, a 180 out of the garage followed by 2 short hard lefts into the barriers. I didn't even attempt to get a good start, then at the barriers, Robby went down. he got around me a bit later and at this point I was in 10th. The course was fun and short, around 6/10ths of a mile. I got 22 laps in. Bart and Chris got 24.
Mike had about the same gap on me for 2/3rds of the race. probably 10 -15 seconds, on about lap 5 i went through some course tape and had a delay. 2/3rds of the way through I started to pull him back. With 3 laps to go we were together, I tried some feeble attacks but we stayed together. He got in front of me on the last 4 corners, which was the race, he got me by a wheel. Towards the end of the race it was getting really dark on certain course sections, but by then we knew them well enough. My average lap time was 2:39, with none of the laps diverging more than 5 seconds. My fastest lap was the last one. actually 3 of my fastest laps were at the end of the race. It was good to have that effort and ability to keep steady and accelerate when needed.
My HR climbed steadily, which is a good sign as well.

I took a shower and my legs heated up again and it took an hour to cool down. Good stuff, maybe I'll wait for it to be below 40 before I use it again.
Saturday, I pretty much did nothin.
No wonder you're fast. I was feeling pretty good about getting my HR above 160, seems like I have some work to do still.
Must be the fact that you're so much younger than I am. It's that 220-age thing.
Nice racin Bob. Barely held you off. It's going to be a good cx season. Get a bike.
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