Saturday, February 25, 2006

oooh it was 60 degrees today...

Woke up, went to breakfast at Egg's in the City, french toast, or if you are one of those, freedom toast. Then rode down to Ty's for a 3 hour tour of the valley, Ty is all dressed up, thermal tights, thermal jacket, I assure him he has too much on, he strips the thermal tights and shoe covers off. Head down to Draper and the point of the mountain, turn around head towards Dimple Dell, some where around there a big group is behind us, it included this guy, this guy and this guy, Utah fast fasties, the only one missing was this guy, i believe he is busy in cali-four-ni-a.

Will rest and pack the rest of the day as tomorrow at 6:45 we head to Kan-Tuc-EE for a few days sans bike, 1 week to the first race.

Adam, is it true that Chris Sheppard was at 24HOP?

Be afraid, be very afraid.

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