A few weeks prior to the
Team Revolution-Peak Fasteners had an endurance
racing clinic. A few of the teams veterans were on hand to answer questions and discuss planning, feeding, pacing, etc... These types of session are always good for everyone to learn something new. One thing I try and always tell people about racing is that planning is great, goals are great, squiggly lines are 'ok' but once the tires hit the dirt all of that is thrown out the door and it is just you and the moment.
Bart mentioned at the clinic a few things that stuck with me.
1. If you are not hurting, you are not racing, you are riding. (simple, well known but brilliant and easy to forget)
2. For a race the the P2P you should attack the climbs, cause there is as much DH to follow
my 'prep' for the race was pretty good, long hard ride with Ty and Drew 2 weeks out. less volume as the race got closer, with a good hard effort Tuesday night on part of the course. Friday, I took off work and headed up with the dogs to check into our condo, this checkin got delayed and I was on my feet a whole lot more than i wanted to be, I finally got a short spin in on the bike when the sun was going down. Ate dinner, slept fitfully for 6 hours, had a small breakfast, some coffee and headed to the start.
I started with the Non open 7-8 hour group. I think this was the correct place for me, as I figured that if everything went perfect, I could hit it. At the start of the singletrack I got around Jenelle, Jen and a few other open racers, later Holmes and Sarah K let me by. I finished the round valley section in under 52 minutes, feeling good and hit skid row/Prospector with a small group, Stuart, me and a few others held a good pace here onto DV proper. I hit aide 1 and aide 2 at the expected times. Then I headed out onto mid mountain for the Big Bear, Moose Bones, T&G, Empire Link, John's 99, Johns, Steps pit of despair.
The climb up Big Bear/Moose Bones wasn't horrible, but it was foreboding. It only took me like 25 minutes, but I suffered. The Downhill on T&G, while one of my favorite rides, started to beat up my bird like upper body, I also tagged the same tree I tagged riding Tuesday, this time instead of just hitting my right shoulder, I decided to punch it with my right hand. Johns trail beat the hell out of me, had me thinking of quitting. Followed by climbing up the payday road and then steps, damn, i was in serious pain. But as mentioned by me and others at the clinic, if you push through the pain light is right there.
After the yurt, I soft middle ringed the road to the Apex climb, taking on some fuel, shaking out the arms and legs, then on Apex, up to above Shadow lake, I felt new again and fast. Finally saw EPOW and her cowbell on the sketch road down to the lake. The Crescent mine descent went well and here I was at mile 55 at the PCMR aide station. Brooke, Mike and Gigi loaded me up with fuel, Wedge got me some chips and Ryan lubed me up (it was THAT sexy).
Spiro went surprisingly well, I passed at least 3 riders and made it up to the mid mountain turn at 35 minutes. The mid mountain re route was painful and slow. It was nice to see Monique on the trail near the colony. Later I passed a few other riders and rode up on Kelly K Boniface on Rob's, got around her on the traverse after turning off of Rob's and then made my way to the 1.4 mile climb of sorrow and then down the short descent t the finish.
2nd Men 40-49
@29th overall
5 minutes total stoppage time
Zone 4 - 63% of race
Zone 5 - 7% of race
2 Cups of water and a few chips.

I hit my 8 hour split from the start to Aide 2 and from PCMR to finish. From Aide 2 to Aide 3 I lost those precious 33 minutes.
8 hours is just a number, I am super stoked with my finish. I suffered, but that is why my finish was what it was.
Lots of myths and misdirection in the endurance advice world. I would like to think, one of the best pieces of advice available, is one I have heard in relation to the race of life;
What works for me. may kill you, what worked or me today, may kill me next week. It is all about the moment.
Shannon and Jay did a masterful job, but, they could not have done it without the help of friends and family. Volunteers made the day, and I believe they were all taken care with awesome swag. Slyfox Moonwillow, you are my Shaman.
Lyna was there sun up to past sundown doing food transport, aide station management and Jay Burke focus assistance post race.
Lucy, Anna, Alison, Lolly, Karen, Hillary and many others did excellent work to.
Lucy, thanks for the hug at the finish, I'm sure I smelled great.
Thanks to everyone for all the cheers and smiles. Good job to all the racers who lined up, regardless of whether or not you finished. The journey is critical and you won!