Made my way down to Draper to find some dry dirt riding, Mission Accomplished, retraced my route a few times, lapped on the double track with some one-track thrown in. Nice evening ride, the sun was behind the Oquirrh's by the time I got back to the car, a bit chilly.
Better than a 4 hour drive.

Mmmmmm, dirt!
You are a clever one. Specifically, I find the "Life, liberty and the pursuit of singletrack" and the "Obsessively trying to dry wet blankets" dities so very clever.
How is it that you cyclists are so very clever? Does cycling make you clever or is clever thinking (and display of said cleverness) a requirement for cycling?
Holidays are the days of life in which you are felt too relaxed and vitalize. In these vacations you can rejuvenate and revitalize yourself and you get vigor and vitality and energize yourself for the next working day.
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