Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lets make a Pact

To my loyal readers (all 4 of you). I am going to get on a soap box of sorts, so hit your back button if you please, log onto your favorite forum or read on if you will.

The Internet has opened the world of communication and community for all of us blessed enough to have the means. With every blessing comes curses.

I have noticed something 'out there' that causes me distress. There is a culture of Blame, Aggressive Disagreement, Self-Righteousness and Anger that is Distasteful and Boorish. I myself have fallen into this trap, although I try to never use this forum as one for complaint. My number one reason for this forum is to log my racing career, as modest as it is.

The discourse of our world has turned so adversarial and mean. Lets make a Pact loyal reader;

Today and every day I will focus on the positive. I will look at the good in the world. I will treat others with respect in person or in writing. I will respect others opinions and beliefs. I will stop taking myself so seriously. I will have fun. I will live.

Who's with me?


primetime formerly known as slyfox said...

where are you reading all this aggressive boorish propaganda, i dont attract such nonsense

StupidBike said...

I know you are with me.

Anonymous said...

I guess I could come along.

Team Rico said...

Amen brutha Bob. Hopefully with the end of this election comes a little less agressiveness and hate.

Daren said...

I'm with you.

MtbAllDay said...

What is this? I mean, come on...surely you could come up with something worthwhile to write. I swear it is pinkos like you that run around criticizing and complaining about every aspect of our lives and society and then hold up two fingers and seem to think that puts you above it all...

Just kidding -- shooting for irony. I like your post and hope you keep posting.

tiffp said...

I'll be more positive when people wave back to me out on the road ;)

MK said...

In Brother Bob. I'm with Rico, I think the state of current affairs in the country is putting folks on edge. Most people aren't in on our little 2-wheel secret. That's where I get my grins. We can set an example. Ride on. Hate is weak. -MK

Faceshot said...

I believe we all just need a lil' "Snuggle!"

Anonymous said...

I'm wid ya 100%, but does it mean I don't get the expresso maker?

Anonymous said...

i'm with you.

it's the main reason I avoid politics and religion on the blog. It's an invitation for idiots (of which I can easily be listed among) to make arses of themselves and tempt me to become an arse in return.

I can be an arse without their help, so I try not to invite it.

Anonymous said...

im down....

Anonymous said...
