photo by Kim Abbott
We had a large group at the start. I got a good start went into the grass in the top ten, got on Rich's wheel and it was on. Rich and I worked with Jay and Denny for a while, then Iltis made up to us, but he powered on through. About 4 laps in, I went into the hard left into the infield barrier section a bit too hot, I locked up the rear brakes, power slid and popped the tire off the rim. rode i to the barriers, ran to get the B bike and started chasing.
MK got by me here.
Racer and Jay (who also flatted) caught up to me a few laps later and we were pulling Rich, Denny and MK back, after a few laps, I hopped the log and proceeded to lose my chain, this ended up happening 4 or 5 more times, needless to say, I think I finished last.
Happy with the ability to stay in the second group after a good start, on a dead flat, fast course. Nice to see
DC at the front.
Cavey and I were joined by Rico on our post race date.
Rico' says, 'none of us are getting paid to do this.' Be nice to each other.
boring? maybe you should have worn the dress.
After the Fort B race I think I may give up on ghetto tubeless and go back to tubes (with sealant inside), at least with the current tire/rim combo I am running. I burped my front and had to give it a quick shot of air and then mid-way through the race popped a bead on my rear tire and lost all air. I used my CO2 and it actually re-sealed so I finished the race, but I lost my faith in it.
So after rolling your bead off, are you sticking with the ghetto set-up?
absolutely, the way I power slid that corner was by no means clean or desired, just inattention and speed. I am sure a professionally glued tubular would of blown off and a tubed tire would of as well. I have had nothing but good luck other wise, stupidbike handling not withstanding.
Maybe I just need to find a better tire/rim combo. The Maxxis Raze tires were way too easy to get on even with a layer of rubber between the bead and the rim.
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