I really didn't want to name the post that, but what else would I. Seems i get a lot of hits for people searching Wolverin in Eastern Europe.
Whatever. I was looking forward to the race. The only problem is that it means the season, at least the icup season, is over. Well, it is just time to get ready for CX.
I was really looking for a win this year, having come so close several times, I was feeling fit and rested. We had a pretty good sized group at the start, more than 10. Paz was there. To hold onto the season championship I needed to stay within one finisher of him, so winning would do that, right?
Jay Petervary was there, he won the GDR earlier this year, so he would either be going fasst with fitness or not. Jay took off from the start, this is how he won Deer Valley in 2006 and done well in other Icup races, I got on his wheel, he hesitated where the course split for the finish singletrack, so i got around him. I got to drop to the bridge in 1st, wich was nice, cause i was worried about what the rain had done to it. Jay got around me right before the lap area, but I stayed on his wheel. About 10 minutes in Paz was with us, him and Jay went through the techy rough sections faster, but i caught on them on the wide open section before the Service road climb, We were pretty close on the service road, Jay then Paz then me, Jay had to dismount a few times on the steep singletrack, i got around him towards the top, Paz was outa there. Jay caught back on me descending the road towards Deadmans. Paz was still off the front. Chad W.(pro) caught back up to me and we worked together to push through the lap area, as a result I got around Jay right at the neutral feed area, I rode with Brock Cannon(ex19-29) for a while and got into the steep singletrack before him, he seemed to want to power up it, as apposed to me wanting to spin so he went on. I was pushing it on the DH, cause i did not want anyone to catch me, Rob W (40+) caught on me and we stayed together up and over deadmans and on towards the lap area, he dropped me a bit, but then i almost went OTB at 25mph and an adrenaline rush got me back on him, then I saw Newby coming and pushed it quite a bit in heading up to the return route. Rob W got around me when I took a corner too wide, but I ended up holding onto second in the race.
Lyna had an awesome race for second, she had tire issues pre-race that kept her worried the whole time.
I ended up with the series championship, nice since is my last time in 30-39, 40+ here I come, let Rob W start whoopin my ass.
Lyna ended up with the sport women season championship, she feels bad, Jenelle had it sealed, but was sick for the final weekend.
Team Revolution got the Series Championship trophy back, which is awesome.
Great year for everyone on the team and another great ICUP season. Ed is a master at his craft, keeping it fair, fun and well organized. I don't know why I would ever choose another race or series over this one, great competition, great courses and great leadership. Good course markings, timely, correct results and consistent prizes. If you do not live in Utah, you need to come try these on for size. Oh yeah, at least for now, you don't need a Norba license to race either.
Lyna and Ryan (standing in for Jenelle)
Me, Paz and Ryan
Nice work on the season championship! Maybe you should just race PRO next year...
Good job.
Good job on the season title. It will be good to have you in the 40+ next year. We need more fast old guys to battle with Rob and Jack.
Daren Cottle
sandbagger! :)
Nice job. Thank god you took those knee high socks off for the picture.
Hey Bob, can you divulge the name of your coach or is it top secret? He/she seems to do good work! :)
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