Sunday was the teton pass double hilll climb. 1 up on the road bike up the main pass road, 2 up the old pass road then singletrack to about 800 feet above the road pass. The road climb was about 2400 feet in 5.75 miles. The mtb was about 2800 feet in 6.25 miles, so 12 miles, 5200 feet of climbing, with 1 hour in between the day after a hard tb race, sweet.
I should also mention, EJ, 1st Pro Taming the Tetons, 1st in the road hill climb, 1st in the mountain hillclimb, BZ, 2nd pro in taming the tetons, top 5 overall in the combined hill climbs. Sue, unfortunatley a probable broken collarbone in the Saturday xc, Chad, 4th pro man taming tetons, Warren dnf in taming the tetons, and finished both hill climbs.
I got top ten overall in the hillclimbs, 3rd 35 plus.
I'm blown, tomorrow we hike and drive home, below is the elevation profile of todays races, they were both all up hill, so the flat and downhill were warm up, cool down, etc..

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